Worldwide, cattle are a major source of greenhouse gases, belching two
gigatonnes each year. Grazing beef cattle are responsible for 6.4% of
Australia’s overall greenhouse gas emissions – and methane, the main component
of their gas, is 20 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than
carbon dioxide.
Kath Donoghue and her team at the New South Wales Department of Primary Industry measured the emissions of 339 Angus cattle to find that the “lowest-emitting” bulls sired progeny that emitted an average of 24% less methane than the calves born to “highest-emitting” bulls.
Read the entire article online at COSMOS magazine.
Kath Donoghue and her team at the New South Wales Department of Primary Industry measured the emissions of 339 Angus cattle to find that the “lowest-emitting” bulls sired progeny that emitted an average of 24% less methane than the calves born to “highest-emitting” bulls.
Read the entire article online at COSMOS magazine.